HOPAG has forged an important community partnership with Southern. We asked station manager at Honor Oak Park, Chris Daley to help us kick off our campaign with clearing the rubbish from in front of the station and prepare the ground for some attractive planting. Chris Daley is a man of action and got his team onto this immediately and has already cleared the rubbish and the railings have been given a lovely pale green lick of paint. A new community notice board will arrive soon. The best news is he has given us a budget of £250 to plant a small dry garden behind the railings at the entrance to the station.
HOPAG (Honor Oak Park Action Group) invited Joan Ruddock MP to see first hand the issues that local residents desperately want to see improved. Specifially the lack of recycling for shops and visitors which results in litter and fly tipping and dog poo. We will continue to exert pressure on Lewisham council to find an ATTRACTIVE solution to our problems, and to apply for Crofton Ward Panel local assembly funding. £10,000 is available each year to spend on issues that local residents want tackled.
Please contact us Iris or Fiona if you would like to get involved. HOPAGROUP@GMAIL.COM