Thursday, 18 August 2011

consultation? damp august squib? last event changed to Sat 24 Sept at the Rec!

One person turned up at the start of the meeting on 12th August in Tooley St so it was cancelled!

The 'Southwark Team' were all there to give the residents of the north of the borough all the information they needed about the possibilities for the future of Southwark's cemeteries and to hear their views. 

But it seems that either the date, the time, the venue, or indeed the consultation itself did not suit/interest many people. 

The Friends group had strongly suggested to the council that August was not the most favourable time to get a big turnout  ...... and a Friday night ..... ?!

And we also have been informed that the last public event due to take place on Saturday 10 September has now been postponed until
Saturday 24 September 1- 3 pm at Honor Oak Recreation ground
when we know there will be a good turnout because our community seriously value this as an open space and want it to be kept as such in perpetuity! 
At the Southwark event held at the Rec in July there were many local people attending.

We also understand that there may be real practical issues surrounding the short term burial solutions proposed by the Cabinet in April - so our Rec may be in more danger than we thought!

Remember to complete a questionnaire! 
ANYONE living in Southwark or Lewisham can do this!