We've been collecting some of the paper petitions, and with the e-petition, we are a force of .... 2,368 - and they're not all in yet! Dave Stephens at Honor Oak station's Coffee Bean has offered to be a collecting point so you can drop them off with him. So thanks to everyone who has signed ..... please don't stop spreading the word and gaining support.
And remember to email/write to the cabinet members prior to their meeting on Tuesday 19 April when they will decide on burial options for Southwark. (emails below) The Rec is not an option!
Approaching 2012, the year of the Olympics in the UK, Southwark Council believe that this "offers residents and particularly young people a unique opportunity to become involved ...... sports events ... learning new skills .... an opportunity not to be missed."
Taken from Southwark Cabinet Meeting Minutes 22 March 11
The minutes go on: "priority areas we have identified" which include "engaging young people, getting active, being healthy ....."
Hey, all these things go on at HONOR OAK RECREATION GROUND!!